04:55 Jul 26, 2023
'HARDINERA or “female-gardener” in English , is a type of meatloaf popular in Lucban, Quezon Philippines. It is usually serve in special occasions. It was made from cubed pork, sautéed and steamed in a Llanera (mold). The cooking procedure takes a lot of time but it definitely worth it.   Ingredients:  2 lbs Pork, cut into 4 parts* 2 medium Onion, chopped 6 cloves Garlic, chopped 2 tbsp Butter 2 tbsp Tomato Paste 1/2  cup Ketchup 6 cups Water  4 tbsp Sugar 1/2 cup Vinegar 300 grams Leg Ham or Luncheon Meat 1 cup Pineapple Chunks 1/2 cup Raisins 1/2 cup Bread Crumbs 1/2 cup Grated Cheddar Cheese Cooking Oil Ground Black Pepper Salt Banana Leaf   *I used Pork Shoulder.  ------  Don’t forget to LIKE and SHARE this Video and click the “Notification Bell”  so you won’t miss out our new uploads.  We would love to hear your comments and suggestions.  LIKE. SHARE. SUBSCRIBE.  HAPPY COOKING!  ------ For MORE RECIPE Videos, please visit our Social Media Accounts. Thank you! Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/foodchops.recipe/ Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuE9ffZlTpOATFBmg-FC7HQ   #Hardinera #Meatloaf #everlasting #lucbanquezon  -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: \"CREAMY BEEF AND MUSHROOM \"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTfFT0ab4S8 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-' 

Tags: Cooking Recipe , meatloaf , #ASMR , pork recipe , filipino blogger , Pinay in Australia , cooking blog , pinoy blog , HARDINERA , Lucban Quezon hardener , #the best hardinera , #the best lucban quezon hardinera

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